Rheem Air Conditioner Not Blowing Cold Air.

Rheem Air Conditioner Not Blowing Cold Air? Here how to fix it.

Experiencing the frustration of a Rheem air conditioner not blowing cold air can be a hot-button issue, especially in the scorching heat.

This hiccup might stem from various causes, ranging from a simple thermostat glitch to more complex issues like refrigerant leaks or compressor malfunctions.

Quick Insight:A meticulous troubleshoot is crucial, involving checking filters, ensuring proper thermostat settings, and inspecting for potential mechanical failures.

Swift identification and resolution of the problem will not only restore your cool oasis but also prevent further damage to the unit. So, let’s dive into the intricacies of why your Rheem AC might be hesitating to chill out.

Related Post>>>>Common Rheem Air Conditioner Problems.

Why Rheem Air Conditioner is Not Blowing Cold Air.

1.Dirty or Clogged Air Filters.

When it comes to a Rheem Air Conditioner not blowing cold air, one often underestimated culprit is dirty or clogged air filters.

These filters play a crucial role in maintaining the system’s efficiency by trapping dust and debris, preventing them from circulating through the unit and compromising its performance.

However, when neglected, these filters become a barrier, hindering proper airflow and impeding the cooling process.

Troubleshooting Solutions:

  • Visual Inspection: Begin by visually inspecting the air filters. If they appear visibly dirty or clogged, it’s a clear sign that they need attention.
  • Regular Maintenance: Establish a routine for changing or cleaning the air filters. Typically, this should be done every 1-3 months, but it may vary based on factors like usage and indoor air quality.
  • Filter Replacement: If the filters are beyond cleaning, replace them with new ones. Ensure that you use the right size and type of filter compatible with your Rheem AC unit.
  • Airflow Check: After cleaning or replacing the filters, check the airflow to see if it has improved. Improved airflow indicates that the filters were indeed the issue.


  • Cleaning the Filters: If your Rheem air conditioner has reusable filters, clean them using a vacuum or wash them with mild detergent and water. Ensure they are completely dry before reinserting.
  • Filter Replacement: For disposable filters, replace them with new ones. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the correct filter type.
  • Regular Maintenance Schedule: Create a reminder or schedule for regular filter maintenance. This simple step can significantly enhance the overall efficiency and lifespan of your Rheem AC.

2.Thermostat Issues.

Thermostat issues are a common culprit when a Rheem Air Conditioner is not blowing cold air. Incorrect settings, malfunctioning components, or even dead batteries can disrupt the communication between the thermostat and the AC unit, leading to improper cooling commands.

Troubleshooting Solutions:

  • Check Thermostat Settings: Ensure that the thermostat is set to the desired cooling mode and temperature. Sometimes, accidental adjustments or programming errors can result in warmer air blowing from the vents.
  • Inspect Batteries: If your thermostat operates on batteries, check for signs of low power or replace them with fresh batteries. Dead or low batteries can cause the thermostat to malfunction.
  • Calibration Check: Perform a calibration check to ensure the thermostat accurately reflects the room temperature. A miscalibrated thermostat may lead to inaccurate cooling commands.
  • Thermostat Function Test: Test the thermostat’s functions by adjusting the temperature settings and observing how the AC responds. This helps identify if the thermostat is sending proper signals.


  • Correcting Settings: Adjust the thermostat settings to the desired temperature and cooling mode. Ensure that the system is set to ‘Cool’ rather than ‘Heat’ or ‘Off.’
  • Battery Replacement: If your thermostat uses batteries, replace them with new ones. Regularly checking and replacing batteries is a simple yet effective way to prevent thermostat malfunctions.
  • Calibration Adjustment: Refer to the thermostat manual to learn how to calibrate it accurately. This ensures that the temperature readings align with the actual room conditions.
  • Professional Inspection: If troubleshooting doesn’t resolve the issue, consider seeking professional assistance. A technician can inspect the thermostat’s internal components for any malfunction and provide necessary repairs or replacements.

3.Refrigerant Issues.

Refrigerant issues are a significant factor when a Rheem Air Conditioner fails to blow cold air. Low refrigerant levels, often caused by leaks or improper charging, can impede the cooling process, resulting in warm air emanating from the vents.

Troubleshooting Solutions:

  • Check for Leaks: Inspect the refrigerant lines and components for visible signs of leaks, such as oil stains or hissing sounds. Leaks can significantly impact the refrigerant levels.
  • Monitor Performance: If your AC is not cooling as expected, it could indicate low refrigerant levels. Keep an eye on the system’s performance and note any deviations from its usual cooling capacity.
  • Listen for Unusual Sounds: Unusual sounds, such as hissing or bubbling, could be indicative of a refrigerant leak. If you notice such sounds, it’s crucial to address the issue promptly.
  • Temperature Discrepancy: If the air blowing from the vents is not as cold as it should be, it may suggest insufficient refrigerant levels. Use a thermometer to measure the temperature and compare it with the thermostat setting.


  • Professional Leak Repair: If you identify a refrigerant leak, it’s essential to enlist the services of a professional HVAC technician. They can locate and repair the leak, ensuring that the refrigerant stays at the proper levels.
  • Recharging Refrigerant: In cases of improper charging or low refrigerant levels, a technician can recharge the system with the correct amount of refrigerant. This should only be done by a qualified professional.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Regular preventive maintenance, including checking for leaks and ensuring proper refrigerant levels, can help identify and address issues before they escalate. Consider scheduling annual maintenance with a qualified HVAC technician.
  • Follow Manufacturer Guidelines: Always adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding the type and amount of refrigerant suitable for your Rheem Air Conditioner. Using the wrong refrigerant can lead to performance issues.

4.Faulty Capacitor or Start Relay.

A Rheem Air Conditioner not blowing cold air may be attributed to a faulty capacitor or start relay, both critical components in the compressor’s operation. When these components malfunction, the compressor struggles to start, leading to a lack of cold air.

Troubleshooting Solutions:

  • Listen for Clicking Sounds: When you turn on the AC, listen for a distinct clicking sound. This is often the capacitor engaging. If you don’t hear it, there might be an issue with the capacitor.
  • Visual Inspection: Inspect the capacitor and start relay for any visible signs of damage, such as bulging or leaking. Physical abnormalities can indicate a malfunction.
  • Check Electrical Connections: Ensure that all electrical connections to the capacitor and start relay are secure. Loose or damaged connections can disrupt the electrical flow, leading to compressor issues.
  • Use a Multimeter: A multimeter can be used to measure the capacitance of the capacitor and the continuity of the start relay. Deviations from the recommended values may indicate a problem.


  • Capacitor Replacement: If the capacitor is faulty, replacing it is the solution. Consult your Rheem AC’s manual or seek professional help to ensure you choose the right capacitor for your specific unit.
  • Start Relay Replacement: Similarly, a malfunctioning start relay should be replaced. Ensure compatibility with your Rheem Air Conditioner model and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.
  • Professional Inspection: If you are unsure about handling electrical components or if the troubleshooting steps don’t resolve the issue, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. HVAC technicians have the expertise to diagnose and fix capacitor and start relay problems.
  • Preventive Maintenance: Regular maintenance, including checking and testing capacitors and relays, can prevent sudden failures. Consider scheduling annual maintenance to catch potential issues before they impact the compressor.

5.Compressor Problems.

When it comes to a Rheem Air Conditioner not blowing cold air, the culprit may lie in compressor problems. The compressor, a crucial component, can face issues ranging from electrical failures to mechanical malfunctions, severely impacting the cooling performance.

Troubleshooting Solutions:

  • Listen for Unusual Sounds: Unusual noises, such as clanking or grinding, while the AC is running can be indicative of mechanical issues with the compressor. Pay attention to any abnormal sounds.
  • Check Electrical Connections: Inspect the electrical connections leading to the compressor. Loose or damaged wiring can lead to electrical failures. Ensure all connections are secure and intact.
  • Monitor Temperature: If the air blowing from the vents is not as cold as usual, it might signal compressor issues. Use a thermometer to measure the temperature and compare it with the thermostat setting.
  • Observe Compressor Operation: While the AC is running, observe the compressor. If it repeatedly starts and stops, known as short cycling, it may indicate a problem. Continuous operation without cooling could also signal trouble.


  • Professional Inspection: Given the complexity of compressor issues, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. HVAC technicians have the expertise to diagnose electrical and mechanical problems accurately.
  • Compressor Replacement: In severe cases, where the compressor is irreparably damaged, replacement might be necessary. This is a complex task best left to professionals, as it involves refrigerant handling and system recharging.
  • Electrical Repairs: If the issue lies in the electrical components of the compressor, a technician can perform necessary repairs, such as fixing or replacing faulty wiring and ensuring proper electrical flow.
  • Regular Maintenance: Implementing a regular maintenance schedule can help identify potential compressor issues early on. This includes checking for wear and tear, ensuring proper lubrication, and addressing any emerging problems promptly.

Also read>>>>Goodman Air Conditioner Problems.

Frequent Asked Questions.

Why is my Rheem Air Conditioner not blowing cold air?

  • Possible Cause: The issue could be due to various factors, such as dirty/clogged air filters, thermostat problems, low refrigerant levels, faulty capacitors or start relay, or compressor issues.
  • Precise Answer: Check and clean/replace air filters, ensure correct thermostat settings and functioning, inspect for refrigerant leaks or low levels, troubleshoot and replace faulty capacitors or start relay, and address any compressor-related problems. If unsure, seek professional assistance.

How can I troubleshoot thermostat issues affecting my Rheem Air Conditioner’s cooling performance?

  • Possible Cause: Incorrect thermostat settings, malfunctioning components, or dead batteries can disrupt proper cooling commands.
  • Precise Answer: Verify thermostat settings, check and replace batteries if needed, calibrate the thermostat for accurate temperature readings, and test its functions by adjusting settings. If issues persist, consider professional inspection for internal thermostat problems.

What steps can I take to address refrigerant issues in my Rheem Air Conditioner?

  • Possible Cause: Low refrigerant levels due to leaks or improper charging can hinder cooling.
  • Precise Answer: Inspect for leaks, monitor system performance, listen for unusual sounds, and check for temperature discrepancies. Address issues by professional leak repair, refrigerant recharging, preventive maintenance, and following manufacturer guidelines for refrigerant type and amount.

How do I troubleshoot and fix compressor problems affecting my Rheem Air Conditioner?

  • Possible Cause: Compressor issues, including electrical failures or mechanical malfunctions, can impact cooling performance.
  • Precise Answer: Listen for unusual sounds, check electrical connections, monitor temperatures, and observe compressor operation. Seek professional inspection for accurate diagnosis, consider compressor replacement if necessary, perform electrical repairs, and implement regular maintenance to identify and address potential issues early on.


Troubleshooting and resolving issues with a Rheem Air Conditioner not blowing cold air involve meticulous attention to common culprits like dirty filters, thermostat malfunctions, low refrigerant, faulty capacitors, and compressor problems.

A proactive approach to regular maintenance and timely professional assistance ensures optimal performance, keeping your cool oasis intact.